Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My OOo Project - Making Master Pages Copyable

I have decided to work on the project that makes Master Pages copyable for the Impress application. I chose to work on this project because it requires C++ knowledge, which I feel I have a lot of, and Uno knowledge, which I don't even know what that means. While it might seem like a bad idea to take a project that I am not fully qualified for, I like the challenge and it seems as if a lot of projects require some knowledge of Uno, so maybe it will help me with fixing other open office bugs.

I decided to start learning about this project by first figuring out what Uno is, this lead me to this website explaining Uno, which lead me to the SDK. I then decided that it might be best to wait to talk to Thorsten so that I could get a better understanding of Uno and why do I need it for my project.

My next step was to go to Open Grok to search for Master Page functions that might be useful to me. I found this one which looked very interesting. The comments say that the function returns a copy of the master page being used in the current document. Of course that is only a header file, so I needed to find the actual "meat and potatoes" of that function. That wasn't too difficult to find.

My current idea on how to solve this bug is to use the function that I found to return a copy of the Master Page used in the current document. Then saving it to a temporary file, then when the user selects paste it then reads the file and puts all that information into the new documents Master Page. Of course this is easier said then done, and I will definitely need to discuss this with Thorsten before I get started.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DEV300M42 build

Late last night/earlier this morning I ran into this build error on build 42.
mkdir -p ../
rpm --define "_builddir /home/bartosz/Desktop/DEV300_m42/setup_native/" --define "_rpmdir /home/bartosz/Desktop/DEV300_m42/setup_native/" -bb fake-db.spec
-bb: unknown option
dmake: Error code 1, while making '../'

ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making /home/bartosz/Desktop/DEV300_m42/setup_native/scripts
rmdir /tmp/15952
I couldn't fix this error, so I went to the irc chat at, I got some help from someone named cloph. It appears that .configure doesn't check to see if rpm-build is installed. Since I installed Fedora and uninstalled Ubuntu over the reading week, I'm not surprised I missed some of the packages I needed to install. As of about 7:45 the build has been going strong, so I guess I'll find something else to work on until this is done/keep everyone updated on my progress.

10:48: Build Succesful. Milestone 42 seems much easier to build I dont know if its because I did it on Fedora instead of on Ubuntu, but this definitly doesn't get the NSS 3.10 error that everyone in my class seemed to have problems with.